Thursday 14 May 2020

My hobbies and 1 of the things I like

The last thing of work for today I got to chose what I did and I chose this.
It was really easy.  

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Ecosystem in forest in china

This week I made a Chinese forest ecosystem.
 It was hard.
It was made out of cardboard and paper.

Monday 11 May 2020

Changes in Ecosystems

This week we wrote about the polishoun in the ocean.
I thout it was not to hard. 

Friday 8 May 2020

My creature

This week we made our own creaturs.
I created the squidasaw a couple of years ago.
But I colored it in and gave it abilities now.
I am pleased with this peace of work. 

Wednesday 6 May 2020

possum probolem

This week in lockdown we had to write about when possums came to Nz and why and who bought them in.
We also drew a new habitat for them.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

1 of my yards

This week we drew our yards.
I thought it was sort of hard but in the end, I got it done.

Thursday 30 April 2020

Ethiopian new year


This week we are writing about different new years.
I thought that it was hard to do this one because I couldn't find many facts.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Chinese new year

This week we are writing about the Chinese new year.
I think it was easy to find out facts about the Chinese new year.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Past year

This week we are planning things for the next year and after lockdown.

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Sharing the nice things about friends and family

This week, while we are in lockdown We, are Sharing nice things about our friends and family.
I also explained one of my favorite places. I mentioned lake kaniere.

Tuesday 21 April 2020

MM & WK Groupings of 10, 100s in a 4 digit number

This week in lockdown we have done maths work.
I found it hard at first but then my mum showed me how it works.

The nobody news

This week while we are in lockdown we interviewed someone in our family.
I chose my sister Mikayla.
We were supposed to do it for our grandparents but I chose my sister instead.                             

Friday 17 April 2020

Stolen stars of matariki

This week while we are working at home due to the coronavirus we are writing
about the Stolen Stars Of Matariki.
It was hard because 1 slide got deleted and then I tried to fix it but it deleted the last slides.
I was pretty much finished when it deleted.
I liked doing the video.

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Funny slide

BY Kalani and Angus we just wanted to do something for fun.

Thursday 27 February 2020

The treaty of waitangi

WALT write about the treaty of Waitangi I like the fact that there is a treaty.

Monday 24 February 2020

Meaning for Humble

Walt write facts about words like humble
it is easy because we can search up the meaning on Google. 

Thursday 20 February 2020

self portrait

Walt make a self-portrait on our Chromebooks.
It was hard to get the hair and head.
it was easy to do the ear. 

Monday 17 February 2020

Wednesday 5 February 2020